Well, maybe the word "farm" is used a bit loosely. Dove is referring to the name of our street. Regardless! When we were taking our first tour of our soon to be first home, we were shown the lovely little tree in the middle of the back yard. We were told that it was a peach tree and it actually produced a decent amount of peaches! We were quickly told that we wouldn't get any of the peaches because the squirrels would get them first. A month or so after we bought our home I noticed that the peaches were starting to grow. When they began to reach near ripeness the squirrels, as promised, began to snack away. What wasteful little guys they were too! After witnessing a squirrel pick a peach off of the tree, take ONE little bite and throw it down on the ground I decided to take over. Out we went determined to pick EVERY peach off of the tree. We did have a tiny bit of sympathy for our wasteful friends and left one peach waaaaay up in the tree for them. There we had it! A giant bowl full of small, semi-ripe, white peaches. We let them ripen on the counter for a couple of days and then my mom helped me can them for peach jam.
It turned out so delicious! We took this past summer off from any extra-curricular canning activities seeing as I was expecting this little sugar plum smack dab in the middle of peach season. I am sure that Silas will thoroughly enjoy some white peaches from his very own backyard this summer. Maybe even a peach inspired 1st birthday cake?
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